The Bionic Human
GenEd Course: BIOE 0844 / Honors BIOE 0944
3 CR; Course Director: Andrew Spence:

- How will AI effect medicine? Who is responsible when AI is wrong?
- Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells, and Frankenstein –
- We can replace our worn-out body parts with space age materials –
- Who will have access, and who will pay?
- When do we cease to be human?
- Gene therapy –
- What is it, and how does it work?
- It can now cure some previously incurable diseases (blood cancers, sickle cell anemia) – but it can cost $700,000 per patient; so who gets it? Who pays?
- Should parents be able to design their own babies?
- Science, Psuedo-science, Anti-science, Big Data, Fake News, and Miracle Cures –
- How much science does everyone need to know?
- Will your personal data be used for good or bad?
- Will data from your smart bed prevent you from getting health insurance?
- Vaccines, public health, and pandemics –
- How do vaccines work? Are they safe? How can you tell whether they are safe?
- How much suffering has been reduced by vaccines throughout history?
- Aging –
- Can we prevent aging with replacement parts?
- When do you stop replacing parts?
- If drugs can regulate our mood and personality, does life still have meaning?
Department of Bioengineering
College of Engineering
1947 N. 12th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122 email: